Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Zen of Forest Gump

I saw Forrest Gumpyears ago and, at that time, it never occurred to me that this movie points to the path to enlightenment. Watching it now it is clear to me that I need to make Forest Gump my mentor on how to just “be”.

To me, Forest Gump encapsulates the ultimate state of being. His life is the perfect, never ending meditation. Whatever may happen to him, he just continues peacefully watching the world around him. He has no ulterior motives. There is no complaining, worrying and judging. He just takes whatever comes and gives it his full awareness with no judgments. By doing this he is always at peace and his life flows.

His girlfriend, Jenny, is the epitome of Ego domination. Even when things are perfect she seeks more, always looking for something and failing to realize ‘it’ has always been there (i.e. “Forest Gump Awareness”). She continues to torture herself, never allowing herself to enjoy the peace of ‘being’ which has always been there, waiting for her. Her ego-driven mind prevents her from finding inner peace.

True, Forest Gump may have had a low IQ but his EQ was off the charts! For the average person IQ is not the problem, it’s the EQ that could use some overhauling. And a good 3 months at the “Forest Gump State of Being Bootcamp” may be just what the Buddha prescribed.

Path to enlightenment: Be the Gump.

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