Saturday, March 3, 2007

Balance Between Stillness and Desire

I think the key to ultimate manifestation in life is finding a balance. It’s a balance between being still and using willful intention. I like to view them in Taoist terms of Yin and Yang. Intention is from the father (Yang), not unlike a seed. Stillness is from the mother (Yin), not unlike fertile soil. For example, when the seed (intention) is planted in fertile soil (stillness) it will grow into a beautiful tree (manifested desires). There is is no struggle in this process. It effortlessly flows. This process can be seen everywhere in nature. I can also be taken and applied to anything we want to create in life.

1. Yin: Exercise your Nurturing
Be still. Just peacefully observe everything. Realize EVERYTHING is exactly as it should be; there is nothing to struggle with. From this state you find out who you REALLY are and what you are capable of. This step is the foundation, it is vital and is very often neglected. Too often this side is ignored and/or replaced with stress, anxiety and worry.
Some common ego-driven thoughts:
  • Why hasn’t my intention been manifested yet?
  • This isn’t the way it’s supposed to happen.
  • This will never happen. Just forget it.
All that these limiting thoughts do is hinder the creation process. It is from a state of stillness where intention is allowed to be realized into a physical reality. It is the foundation of all creation and must not be ignored if anything resembling greatness is to appear. Meditation will help to show you how to find an endless abundance of stillness.

2. Yang: Decide what you want to create
Intention is where our desires and willpower come in. From here, we decide exactly what we want in life. Consciously or unconsciously these have been and will continue to be our driving forces. These intentions have always guided our lives in everything from watching television to parting the Red Sea. Intention is the easy part. We’ve always desired, perhaps all that’s required is to be a little more conscious of our goals. Just decide what you really want. The more you want it, the more effort you will be willing to put into it… but never at the cost of stillness!!!

When you set out to achieve, always carry stillness with you! This is the key. Creation cannot happen without the patient nurturing of the mother (Yin). This is where you will find the flow and all resources you need to create your desires (Yang). Ideas will come; things will start falling into place. Everything inside and out will begin to appear to aid you in manifesting your ultimate desires. Be patient, don’t get frustrated just be still in all of your actions and world will begin to effortlessly flow.

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