Thursday, March 8, 2007

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Return of the Doo

After 5 grueling days without a single post from the Doo, the Doo is back!

"Fear, desire, affectivity are manifestations of the pseudo-entity which constitutes pseudo-bondage. It is the entity, rather than the manifestations thereof, which has to be eliminated."
-The Tenth Man, Wei Wu Wei...

Doo: Wow, not sure how to interpret this one. Is it "stay away from things that are bad influences." Or could it be to keep oneself unaffected by stimuli. Or maybe it simply means "Kill yourself".

Chris: Look at you with some content! I'll have to dust the cobwebs off of "A Wise Doo Once Said" and add this quote.

Chris: "It is the entity, rather than the manifestations thereof, which has to be eliminated."
I think he means the pseudo entity is the ego and the manifestations are its symptoms. "Eliminate" the ego and the symptoms will just disappear along with it.

Chris: "Fear, desire, affectivity are manifestations"
Despite the Buddhist's teachings on the woes caused by desire, I'm not prepared to totally dismiss them. Nor am I about to move to a monastery or into the woods where desires become less relevant. I think there can be a balance between desire and detachment… I'm not there yet.

Doo: you might consider including our comments and interpretations in the blog posting. They add Dlavor.

Chris:I'm not sure what Dlavor is but it sounds good!

Doo: ...

Meditation of Nature

I personally love this mediation. It doesn't matter what state I am in, nothing is more revitalizing than just going outside and communing with nature.

How do you meditate on nature?
Just go outside for a walk or to the park - or better still to the woods. Just focus on everything that is nature. Watch the trees, the sky, the stars, the moon, smell the air, take in the sunshine, feel the breeze, listen to the wind blow and the birds sing. If your mind wanders and you start thinking about work, bills or any other worries, just let them go and come back to nature. Dont get frustrated. Just gently move your focus back to the stillness of nature...again and again. Be attentive, be patient.

Eventually you may really start to feel the peace and simplicity that is the very essence of nature. If you're like me, you may even begin to feel a connection and the statement "I am one with nature" will become an experience and not just a cliche.

Monday, March 5, 2007


A Taoist story tells of an old man who accidentally fell into the river rapids leading to a high and dangerous waterfall. Onlookers feared for his life. Miraculously, he came out alive and unharmed downstream at the bottom of the falls. People asked him how he managed to survive. "I didn't struggle," he said. "I accommodated myself to the water and just went with its flow."

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Arrow Puzzle

Arrange these four arrows to make five arrows.



Small Sample of Genius

For the last couple of months I have had it in my head that 23 is my buzz number. Anytime I see it, it instantly reminds me of my true nature and I feel empowered. I have started noticing this number more and more. The number seems to constantly appear for me.

For example, I look at the clock about 25 times a day. Of those 25 times, about 10 the time will read _:23. Now it’s only possible to see _:23, 24 times a day out of the other 1416 possible times per day. Statistically, it’s impossible and yet it happens to me just about every day.

Where does this come from? Is it from the subtle abilities of my subconscious mind? Perhaps it's some type of super consciousness at work? Or maybe both. At this point, I’m not certain. What I do know is that it is a form of “Genius” that is inherent in all of us.

As cool as this is, the only problem is that I can’t control it… at least not yet. What I do know is that it can’t be forced. I have to desire it (decide 23 is my number) and yet simultaneously remain detached from it (I can't expect it). Yes this is a paradox but the universe is all about paradoxes. I think the only way to “control” it is indirectly. I think detached desire is the key, although that's easier said than done.

This also make me wonder what else is possible. Perhaps I can make all kind's of things in my life "magic numbers". The possibilities could be endless.

That’s all I currently have on this. If anything else comes to me, I’ll keep you posted.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


"We all have issues. We all have personal challenges and shortcomings. We are all flawed in our own unique ways.
The only shame is when we are too busy judging others to see it in ourselves."




Zen in the Far Side

This one's amusing on a couple of levels.


Balance Between Stillness and Desire

I think the key to ultimate manifestation in life is finding a balance. It’s a balance between being still and using willful intention. I like to view them in Taoist terms of Yin and Yang. Intention is from the father (Yang), not unlike a seed. Stillness is from the mother (Yin), not unlike fertile soil. For example, when the seed (intention) is planted in fertile soil (stillness) it will grow into a beautiful tree (manifested desires). There is is no struggle in this process. It effortlessly flows. This process can be seen everywhere in nature. I can also be taken and applied to anything we want to create in life.

1. Yin: Exercise your Nurturing
Be still. Just peacefully observe everything. Realize EVERYTHING is exactly as it should be; there is nothing to struggle with. From this state you find out who you REALLY are and what you are capable of. This step is the foundation, it is vital and is very often neglected. Too often this side is ignored and/or replaced with stress, anxiety and worry.
Some common ego-driven thoughts:
  • Why hasn’t my intention been manifested yet?
  • This isn’t the way it’s supposed to happen.
  • This will never happen. Just forget it.
All that these limiting thoughts do is hinder the creation process. It is from a state of stillness where intention is allowed to be realized into a physical reality. It is the foundation of all creation and must not be ignored if anything resembling greatness is to appear. Meditation will help to show you how to find an endless abundance of stillness.

2. Yang: Decide what you want to create
Intention is where our desires and willpower come in. From here, we decide exactly what we want in life. Consciously or unconsciously these have been and will continue to be our driving forces. These intentions have always guided our lives in everything from watching television to parting the Red Sea. Intention is the easy part. We’ve always desired, perhaps all that’s required is to be a little more conscious of our goals. Just decide what you really want. The more you want it, the more effort you will be willing to put into it… but never at the cost of stillness!!!

When you set out to achieve, always carry stillness with you! This is the key. Creation cannot happen without the patient nurturing of the mother (Yin). This is where you will find the flow and all resources you need to create your desires (Yang). Ideas will come; things will start falling into place. Everything inside and out will begin to appear to aid you in manifesting your ultimate desires. Be patient, don’t get frustrated just be still in all of your actions and world will begin to effortlessly flow.

Friday, March 2, 2007

A Quote from Me

"Be still, for at this moment everything is exactly as it should be."

Yay for me!!!


Doobert Gets Relative

"Buddha says everything is relative."
-The all wise and knowing Doo.


Meditate on a Tree



Yes, while not nearly as good as the real deal, it still can help enduce peace and tranquility. Focus deeply enough on it and in your mind, it may as well be real.


A perfect example of stillness.


The Star Wars Kid

This one is hilarious!

They make it it look like some serious trailer to the movie. I love the way the light at the end of the saber gets smaller cause the kid's hand moves down the pole.

We are nerds and dammit were proud of it!


Robot Chicken - Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes, and the Far Side are by far my favorite comic strips.

Sorry but I had to add another Robot Chicken skit. These guys are good!


Sad how Calvin is made to suppress his imaginations and becomes a homicidal maniac. Exaggerated as it may be, there is a bit of truth to it.

Meditation of Breath

Meditation of breath is a very powerful meditation and yet also very simple. It is therefore an excellent practice for both beginners and experienced. Using this technique will sharpen your focus and simultaneously bring you into a realm of deep relaxation. Do it consistently and everything in your world will begin to transform.

How do you meditate on breathing?
  • Find a quiet place and sit down
  • Try keeping your body straight and erect (this will keep you from falling asleep)
  • Close your eyes and start taking slow, deep breaths (preferably in through the nose and out through the mouth)
  • After you get a rhythm going, simply start focusing on your breathing. Feel your chest slowly expand and contract. Notice the air entering your body and exiting your body.
  • Your mind will most definitely start to wander away from your breathing. Gently bring your attention back to your breathing.
  • Don't get frustrated or judge yourself harshly. Allow no resistance.
  • Gently bring your attention back to your breathing.
  • Try to start meditating daily for 2-20 minutes and gradually increase the duration and/or start experimenting with other meditative techniques.
That's all there is to it. If you have any questions feel free to email me or leave a comment.

Before and After Pictures

As promised, here are my 'before' and 'after' pictures:

This picture was taken at my brother's wedding in May 2000. I was approximately 265 lbs (I'm 6'1").

Uh, yea I want that supersized.

This picture was taken this past Thanksgiving (11/07). I was approximately 163 lbs which was too thin.

No, I did not just get back from Auschwitz, thank you.

I intentionally gained and extra 10 lbs by eating more nuts and occasionally having treats. Also, the holidays are a great way to gain some weight if you're lucky enough to need that ;)

The main point here is that I lost too much weight simply by focusing on health rather than dieting. I'm now up to around 175 which is just about ideal for my body type.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Zen in Pearl Jam

"It makes much more sense
To live in the present tense"
-Present Tense, Pearl Jam

Enlightenment is found only in being fully aware of this present moment.

Real Life Simpsons

This is quite an omage to the Simpsons. I wish I thought of it.

The only thing off was the driver's side on the right. This must've been filmed in Europe.


Quote About Our "True Self"

"There seems to be two kinds of searchers: those who seek to make their ego something other than it is, i.e. holy, happy, unselfish (as though you could make a fish unfish), and those who understand that all such attempts are just gesticulation and play-acting, that there is only one thing that can be done, which is to disidentify themselves with the ego, by realizing its unreality, and by becoming aware of their eternal identity with pure being."
-Wei Wu Wei

True happiness (in the form of peace and joy) comes from separating your core being (true self) from your ego’s desires. This type of happiness is unconditional; nothing outside of you can take it away.

Origins of Veggie Boy

While I am not one for “dieting”, I am all about an effective health regime. While quite unpopular, my regime has been quite effective.

Why is it an unpopular diet? Mainly because it consists of about 60% raw fruits and vegetables, 10% raw almonds and walnuts and 30% protein (mainly poultry). I also drink tons of green tea, white tea, red tea, you name the color and I'll probubly drink it. In a nutshell, I try to make sure the majority of what I eat is as close to nature as possible. My big no-nos are dairy, “bad fats”, sugar, refined rice, bread and pasta. My wife tells me that my regime is similar to The Zone but I don’t concern myself with such details. I prefer to call my regime simply trying to be healthy.

How is it such an effective diet? Well, I feel fantastic! I haven’t been sick once in the last 2 years of doing this diet. My overall health and energy has increased ten-fold. And yes, I did lose quite a bit of weight. I went from 265 lbs to 175 lbs but that was just a side benefit.

My disclaimer is that I am not always “perfect” – yes there are times when I eat things that don’t make me feel my best (sweets are my nemesis!) but I try to keep it to a minimum since I feel like garbage after eating garbage. Also, this diet was not something that I just started one day – it evolved into what it is now basically by reading various articles, websites, books on human longevity and trial and error. For healthy living I highly recommend Dr. Mercola’s website.

My new motto: Just concern yourself with health and the weight will take care of itself.

Soon I will add more posts (and before and after pictures) with some details and tips on how to enjoy a healthier eating regime.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Zen in Aerosmith

"Tell me who's to blame for thinkin' twice
No no no no 'cause I don't wanna burn in paradise
Ooo Let go, let go, let go,
let it go, let it go..."
-What It Takes, Aerosmith


Now I haven't spoken to the band about it yet but these lyrics really strike me as quite Zen like.

"Tell me who's to blame for thinkin' twice"(Stop thinking so much!)
"cause I don't wanna burn in paradise"(Life is friggin awesome, dont let your mind become your own personal hell.)
"let it go...." (Need I say more?)

The Zen of Letting it Be

"When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be."
-Let It Be, The Beatles


The message is very powerful and to the point. Let it go, just let things be as they are. In doing so you will find unconditional peace.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Doo Knows Chilly

On one of Doo's many travels to remote and exotic locations throughout the world... wide web. He came upon this image of a town in Switzerland.

Quote from Hamlet

"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
- Shakespeare

Life can be heaven or hell. It's all about your interpretation.

Robot Chicken - Napoleon Bonamite

Offensive or not, Robot chicken friggin rules. The creators are like mad geniuses.

Below is a small skit for anyone who has seen Napoleon Dynamite.

Robot Chicken, Season 1 is avaiavble on DVD. If you're not easily offended, I highly recommend it!

What is Meditation?

To many people, meditation is some kind of impractical and/or esoteric ritual in which a person sits, closes their eyes and perhaps chants “OM” for hours. While this is an effective type of meditation, it does not give a clear understanding of what meditation actually is.

Meditation is simply the act of concentrating. You don’t have to sit with your eyes closed to meditate. You can meditate (concentrate) on anything, like walking, reading, brushing your teeth, driving a car and even watching TV. To meditate all you must do is give as much focus as possible to whatever the task is at hand. Don’t allow other thoughts, feelings or judgments distract you. Try to give 100% focus to the task at hand. When you eat just eat and when you work just work. Don’t allow irrelevant, distracting thoughts to overtake your moments. Just concentrate!

That being said, sitting meditations clearly do have their places. It’s a great place to be for contemplative meditations in which you just focus on a thought or an idea. Additionally, it’s usually much easier to focus while just sitting, somewhere quite with your eyes closed. There are less external distractions and it’s usually easier to keep the bombardment of thoughts from overtaking the experience at hand. Sitting is a great way for beginners to start exercising their powers of concentration.

So whether you're sitting or standing or both, it’s all good. There are no rules. Do it whichever way feels comfortable and motivates you to continue practicing it. You may find that doing it often when in activities may begin to inspire you into sitting with it as well. Either way, just exercise your concentration as often as you can in everything you do.

In the near future I will post instructions on how to do several different types of mediation (both standing and sitting).

Monday, February 26, 2007

Doo, Death & Taxes

"But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
-Benjamin Franklin

A cliche now but think about it and it is very wise. -The Doo

Doo Quotes Jack Johnson

"But you can't stop nothing
If you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind
That you kept in, you know
You don't know nothing
But you don't need to know
The wisdoms in the trees
Not the glass windows You can't stop wishing
If you don't let go But things that you find
And you lose, and you know You keep on rolling
Put the moment on hold The frames too bright
So put the blinds down low"
-Breakdown, Jack Johnson

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Doo Embraces a Paradox

"Yours eternally but only for right now"
-The Doo

Family Guy - Best of Stewie

The Family Guy has to be one of my favorite cartoons of all time.
I'm particulaly fond of Stewie's antics:

Family Guy, Vol. 1 (Seasons 1 & 2)
...personally my favorite of all Family Guy seasons

Robot Chicken - Bush vs Star Wars

... and who doesnt enjoy laughing at

Robot Chicken, Season 1 is avaiavble on DVD. If you're not easily offended, I highly recommend it!

Robot Chicken - The Emperor

Since I have a Star Wars/Robot Chicken momentum going:

Robot Chicken, Season 1 is avaiavble on DVD. If you're not easily offended, I highly recommend it!

Robot Chicken - The Empire Strike Back

The Empire Strikes Backwas my favorite Star Wars movie.

I like this skit as it voices my opinion on the last couple of Star Wars movies.

Although I am also quite fond of the second half of Revenge of the Sith.

Robot Chicken, Season 1 is avaiavble on DVD. If you're not easily offended, I highly recommend it!

The Far Side

God I miss Gary Larson's work :(

The Zen of Forest Gump

I saw Forrest Gumpyears ago and, at that time, it never occurred to me that this movie points to the path to enlightenment. Watching it now it is clear to me that I need to make Forest Gump my mentor on how to just “be”.

To me, Forest Gump encapsulates the ultimate state of being. His life is the perfect, never ending meditation. Whatever may happen to him, he just continues peacefully watching the world around him. He has no ulterior motives. There is no complaining, worrying and judging. He just takes whatever comes and gives it his full awareness with no judgments. By doing this he is always at peace and his life flows.

His girlfriend, Jenny, is the epitome of Ego domination. Even when things are perfect she seeks more, always looking for something and failing to realize ‘it’ has always been there (i.e. “Forest Gump Awareness”). She continues to torture herself, never allowing herself to enjoy the peace of ‘being’ which has always been there, waiting for her. Her ego-driven mind prevents her from finding inner peace.

True, Forest Gump may have had a low IQ but his EQ was off the charts! For the average person IQ is not the problem, it’s the EQ that could use some overhauling. And a good 3 months at the “Forest Gump State of Being Bootcamp” may be just what the Buddha prescribed.

Path to enlightenment: Be the Gump.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Here and Now

I must use all of my will to completely surrender to this moment. I have to give all of my awareness over to the here and now. Doing this will save me from my ego's constant bombardment of thoughts, worries and doubts. I must not think, I must silently observe without judgement, everything the moment has to offer.

Doing so will bring peace, stillness and clarity into my world.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Morgan Freeman Quote

"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance."
-Morgan Freeman

Sanctuary in Simplicity

Lately my meditations have felt less inspiring. I’m easily distracted in both sitting and active mediations. It occurs to me that I have been way too distracted by pursuits such as finding my purpose, amongst other things. These pursuits are ego driven and at this point, my ego is way too undisciplined to be trusted. I must make it a priority to go back to basics and simply watch my world. No more, no less.

My life needs simplicity. My only intention is to simply observe the stillness in everything. With no judgments of any kind, I will just silently watch my true self and the world around me.

Once my ego gets out of obedience training, together, well look into finding the proper balance between stillness and desire.

Simplicity is a wonderful gift.

Still Motion

"Stillness is what creates Love
Movement is what creates Life
To be still
Yet still moving -
That is everying."
- Do Hyun Choe

Benefits of Meditation

"By means of meditation we can teach our minds to be calm and balanced; within this calmness is a richness and a potential, an inner knowledge which can render our lives boundlessly satisfying and meaningful. While the mind may be what traps us in unhealthy patterns of stress and imbalance, it is also the mind which can free us. Through meditation, we can tap the healing qualities of mind."
- Tarthang Tulku

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Doo Ponders Our Place in the Universe

"When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it."
- Bernard Bailey

Buddhist Thought of the Day

"The purpose of a fish trap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten. The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten. The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to." -Chuang Tzu

Einstein Quote

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
- Albert Einstein

I think Al was refering to the great power of Intution.


2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back

For the last few years my life has been going quite well .. relatively speaking. I have a decent job as a programmer that pays pretty well. My family is happy and healthy. We own a home and we've even bought a rental property (just for good measure). I have also become quite physically fit. Even emotionally, I am quite happy and stable .. or so I thought.

Lately, I've been reevaluating my situation on all fronts and it occurs to me that perhaps things are not as they seem. What if everything I have and everything that I am working for is the product of my expectations? What if the job, the home, the state of mind I am currently experiencing is the direct result of what I think is possible?

Perhaps, I've been thinking too 'small'. What if instead of my goals being 'getting that promotion while working for the man', my new goal is to enjoy financial independence while living a life that flows with my true purpose .. whatever that may be.

I digress. I will slow down some of my old, perhaps limiting drives, in search of new ones more in line with my potential. The what's and how's I do not know but when I figure it out, you'll be the first to know.

Schools a Waste

NO, NO, NO not an 'F' on the math test!! It's the end of the marking period. (At home 3 hours later...) RACHEL ELIZABETH BICATCHE, I thought you studied for this. Well, I did I went to the store and bought mini-studs. Don't be smart missy but literally you're not even close. Yes I am! [creek of door opening] Oh no, Daddy. OHH, I can't wait til your father sees this. This is up to you Rachel, your father's not going to punish me. GULP! I'm going up to change your sister, honey. OK Mom. Hey Rachel, Hey Dad how was your work? Good. How was your school? Not so good. Hey, you got your test back, how was it? 90%, 100%? 44%? Oh Lord RACHEL ELIZABETH BICATCHE. I thought you studied for this test. Well, I did I went to the store and bought mini-studs. Don't be smart missy, but literally you are not even close. Yes I AMMMM. Rachel go to your room, your mother and I will discuss this and will tell you what we think but a tip is there will definately be a punishment. I'm gonna write in my diary.

"Dear Diary,
In my opinion, schools a waste. You learn stuff you don't need to know and you'll be quized on it and you'll be punished on things you don't need to know!"

KNOCK KNOCK, come in. We've decided .. whats that book you got there? Nothing. Let me read it or you'll be punished longer. "Dear Diary, In my opinion schools a waste. You learn stuff you don't need to know and you'll be quized on it and you'll be punished! OHH, You're diary we've decided you are punished for 3 weeks. The more good grades you get and the more confident you feel, the more days are taken off. The more bad grades you get and the more unconfident you feel, the more days will be added on. OK? OK.

2 1/2 weeks later... only 3 more days. UH OH homework get passed back today. Hi class, your teacher is out today so I'll be your sub. Paper passers may pass out all last weeks homework. It's probably 64%'s and below. Hey, ones a 90% - WOW. Ones a 100% and theres another 100%. I'm so happy I'm gonna run out of the classroom run home and show Mom and Dad. Hey, You are home early? I know look what another 44%? No 100%, 100%, 90%. OH MY GOSH!! You have improved so much you don't have anymore days. But another surprise for you I'm having another baby, you'll be a perfect role model and not sneaky and very smart. [Thinking in her head ...] Sneaky, huh. Yeah Mom that's great! HA, HA, HA.

75 years later... Remember when Mama had me. Yeah. Sneaky huh. And what am I now. Sneaky.

The End.
Evelyn Giordano