"Dear Diary,
In my opinion, schools a waste. You learn stuff you don't need to know and you'll be quized on it and you'll be punished on things you don't need to know!"
KNOCK KNOCK, come in. We've decided .. whats that book you got there? Nothing. Let me read it or you'll be punished longer. "Dear Diary, In my opinion schools a waste. You learn stuff you don't need to know and you'll be quized on it and you'll be punished! OHH, You're diary we've decided you are punished for 3 weeks. The more good grades you get and the more confident you feel, the more days are taken off. The more bad grades you get and the more unconfident you feel, the more days will be added on. OK? OK.
2 1/2 weeks later... only 3 more days. UH OH homework get passed back today. Hi class, your teacher is out today so I'll be your sub. Paper passers may pass out all last weeks homework. It's probably 64%'s and below. Hey, ones a 90% - WOW. Ones a 100% and theres another 100%. I'm so happy I'm gonna run out of the classroom run home and show Mom and Dad. Hey, You are home early? I know look what another 44%? No 100%, 100%, 90%. OH MY GOSH!! You have improved so much you don't have anymore days. But another surprise for you I'm having another baby, you'll be a perfect role model and not sneaky and very smart. [Thinking in her head ...] Sneaky, huh. Yeah Mom that's great! HA, HA, HA.
75 years later... Remember when Mama had me. Yeah. Sneaky huh. And what am I now. Sneaky.
The End.
Evelyn Giordano
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